Topics of value is a collection of God-inspired messages I did not want to delete simply because they entered into a different category.  Older messages can be just as meaningful, if not more so, than when first authored.  There is no time limit on the value of such.  I remember messages, ministered by others years ago that have never left my memory.  God's Word  is ageless

Topics of Value
Your Choice

I would encourage you to look through the titles of topics of value and click on the one you are drawn too.   I was called into the ministry in 1983 and have always endeavored to have freshly anointed messages to deliver to God's people in a timely manner through His Spirit and calling.  


A PATHWAY TO DESTRUCTION is an uncaring society consumed with its own self-interests; with a lack of familiarization of current events, unless they directly affect one's personal life.....Read More


BATTLE FOR THE SOUL is ongoing in a world of iniquity, and undermining of the soul of man, with destructive policies that attempt to eliminate godly influence....Read More


DISPLAY OF PRIDE AND ARROGANCE is a state of inordinate self-esteem, an unreasonable conceit of superiority in talent, beauty, wealth, and rank, among other traits.....Read More


DESTRUCTION OF THE WICKED is a biblical fact, illustrated many times in God's Word, with devastation becoming a reality unless repentance came into focus.....Read More


EROSION OF GODLY VALUES has escalated in these latter days with a desire to undermine the Word of God with a social gospel that is taking root in our society.  It was noted that any country grounded in Christian values.....Read More

INHUMANITY OF MAN has increased in these latter days as iniquity (lawlessness) abounds with little caring towards one's fellowman. Scripture reveals some of the traits of such times....Read More


JUDGMENT OF THE WICKED is riding high in many lands as in the pre-Flood days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Babylon the hold of every foul spirit; all of which destruction is noted.....Read More


LACK OF MORAL DISCIPLINE is losing sight of moral judgment and the capacity to perceive what is morally right and wrong.  There is a indulgence taking place that could be liken to the pre-Flood days of Noah.....Read More


PEACE IN A TROUBLED WORLD entails a drawing near to a source that can only be provided from on High which is sadly being neglected. Peace is defined as freedom from disputes, the absence of mental stress or anxiety.....Read More


POLLUTION OF THE SOUL is systematic of what is being conveyed through ungodly means that were once used for the betterment of the soul.....Read More


POWER STRUGGLE OF TODAY entails a broad spectrum of injustice towards gained liberties of the past; with the dominating influence of ungodliness coming into focus.  A warning is given to those who are participating in such an endeavor.....Read More


PRE-FLOOD DAYS OF NOAH In the pre-Flood days of Noah the descendants of Cain and Seth began to intermarry and there sprang up a race distinguished for their wickedness......Read More

REBUKE THE DEVOURER can be a good thing when coming from on High; but a totally different outlook if one is on the receiving end.  I will rebuke the devourer for your sake, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, saith the Lord.....Read More


SPIRIT OF WISDOM attributes to a God-given ability to accomplish that which God desires for the good of mankind; with man taking such to enhance his own agenda......Read More


THE REVAMPING OF SOCIETY is bringing about changes towards domination that will promote destructive measures; casting aside "What Thus saith the Lord" towards the carnal side of man....Read More


THE ROAD TO COMPROMISE involves a large scale effort to undermine God's Word, to eliminate godly values, with a desire towards secular domination rather than godly leadership.....Read More

THE WAYWARD MAN is resistant to guidance, self-willed, and perverse.  The moral compass of such an individual has been cast aside.  Similar characteristics are:  Being adrift, carnal, loose morals, and unstable as water.....Read More


  1. Latest Weekly Audio Podcast "Revival in the Word"

    Latest Weekly Audio Podcast "Revival in the Word" helps identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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  2. The Good Fight of Faith

    The good fight of faith is being severely tested in many lands that bring persecution and suffering to those who fail to comply with an agenda to conquer and control.

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  3. Timeless Messages

    Timeless messages that are seemingly endless in value. I have heard many messages ministered that I have never forgotten over the years and at times recalled to my mind..

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  4. Topics of Value

    Topics of value is a collection of God-inspired messages I did not want to delete simply because they entered into a different category.

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