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  1. Latest Weekly Audio Podcast "Revival in the Word"

    Latest Weekly Audio Podcast "Revival in the Word" helps identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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  2. The Good Fight of Faith

    The good fight of faith is being severely tested in many lands that bring persecution and suffering to those who fail to comply with an agenda to conquer and control.

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  3. Timeless Messages

    Timeless messages that are seemingly endless in value. I have heard many messages ministered that I have never forgotten over the years and at times recalled to my mind..

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  4. Topics of Value

    Topics of value is a collection of God-inspired messages I did not want to delete simply because they entered into a different category.

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  5. God's Directions for Life

    God's Directions for Life website designed to help one identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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  6. Revival in the Word

    Revival in the Word was on the air for over 27 years on WJJM Radio. I am thankful to the Lord for the messages that have been laid upon my heart.

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  7. Festivities in Hour of Darkness

    Festivities in hour of darkness (sinfulness) is prevalent as one focuses on what is gratifying the soul rather than salvation of the soul.

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  8. Swarm of Evils

    Swarm of evils is morally objectionable behavior being unleashed which causes harm. destruction, wickedness, and depravity upon mankind.

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  9. Battering Ram Against Righteousness

    Battering ram against righteousness is descriptive of a cultural revolution that is threatening the very core of a nation under God concept.

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  10. Spirit of Wisdom

    Spirit of wisdom attributes to a God-given ability to accomplish that which God desires for the good of mankind; however, many are utilizing such to enhance ungodly agenda.

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  11. Reckless Endangerment of Humanity

    Reckless endangerment of humanity has become urgent in the sense that it is more prevalent than ever before on a global scale.

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  12. Shall Reap the Whirlwind

    Shall reap the whirlwind opens the door for the fierceness of God's wrath for nations who have drifted away or have no allegiance to Almighty God.

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  13. The Tools of Satan

    The tools of Satan are ambiguous in nature in that they appear to be acceptable yet are destructive and are promoted by a computerized world.

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  14. Cleansing of a Nation

    Cleansing of a nation is imperative towards its spiritual and physical growth, with godly leadership, if it is to function under God's umbrella of protection.

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