By W R Burner

Our Wedding Picture


In memory of my wife I have included a couple of poems that I feel were inspired by God reflecting the love for my wife.  The first poem listed is in memory of my wife, of nearly 27 years, shortly after her passing at the age of 54; having succumbed to cancer five months after being diagnosed. 

The second poem came a year later; the last poem was one I selected at the funeral home, by an unknown author, in memory of those who have passed on.  

In Memory of my Wife
A Heavenly Abode

TWAS Christmas morning when the chariot arrived to take my beloved away.  WE knew not what this event would entail only to gain relief from a pain torn body that day.  AS the miles flew speedy by access to the hospital was to be gained.

TWAS not easy to endure as one's heart pounded to the tune of those flying chariot's wheels.  BUT alas we arrived and into this haven we went to help relieve the pain.

THREE weeks we were to endure heart rendering sobs until relief came in the form of a heavenly gain.

MY struggles in this life remain, but the same is not true of my mate for life, where she now abides there is no more painTO my God be the glory; though loneliness now prevails, until in Heaven's abode twain shall we meet again

A Mate for Life

AS I looked upon the many stars that dotted the sky above, many a thought flooded my soul that night of long ago.  It was a night to be remembered for my mind was upon a sweetheart back home.  My heart ached within as I longed to be by her side once again.  BUT alas, I was in a distant land in service you see.

THEN twain we did meet in a Hawaiian paradise beautiful to behold. Many years...27 you see...was our destiny to be.  Then the Lord plucked a rose to share in His Heavenly Kingdom that was meant to be.

ONCE again, I sat as that first night, my heart aching within, as I longed to be by my mate for life side once again.  DISTANCE now separates us as before, but the memories linger on.  One day...if I hold true to my paradise again we shall meet for 'tis a better place of abode you see! 

A Golden Heart Stopped

GOD saw she was getting tired and a cure was not to be.  So he put His arms around her and whispered, come with Me.  With tearful eyes we watched her suffer and saw her fade away.

ALTHOUGH we loved her dearly, we could not make her stay.  A golden heart stopped beating.  Hard working hands to rest.  God broke our heart to prove to us He only takes the best!  (Poem Selected at Funeral Home)


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