Revival in the Word was on the air for over 27 years on WJJM Radio. I am thankful to the Lord for all the messages that have been laid upon my heart (still are) and for the divine anointing of God's Spirit! I thank WJJM for being a gracious host to Revival in the Word for so many years.

I desire to share some of my latest messages. I do this simply to be obedient to God's direction as to what He would have brought before His people. I am so grateful that God's Spirit has never failed to give me weekly messages; and continues to do so on the Latest Weekly Audio Podcast of "Revival in the Word." 


A DAY OF ACCOUNTABILITY, a day of reckoning, is revealed throughout God's Word; with many living as in the pre-Flood days of Noah, godless and unconcerned.....Read More

A NATION WITHOUT GOD on the surface may seem to prosper but is lost and desolate without God.  The world is seeing devastation, social and political upheaval, with wars and rumors of wars......Read More


A WORLD IN CHAOS is due to different factions attempting to maneuver into a position of power.  Chaos is a state of confusion and disorder which is purposely established to.....Read More


A WORLD OF INIQUITY begin with Adam and Eve, with its first recorded violence through Cain, continuing into the pre-Flood days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Babylon the hold of every foul spirit, to this day.....Read More


BANKRUPTCY OF A NATION includes spiritual, moral, or intellectual bankruptcy with many in the act or process if the current trend continues unabated.....Read More


BATTERING RAM AGAINST UNGODLINESS is descriptive of a cultural revolution that is threatening the very core of a nation under God concept.  The battering ram was a military weapon in ancient times....Read More


CALM IN THE STORM is needful in the hour in which we live that is experiencing turmoil, chaos, and extreme violence, with little care for human life that God so miraculous created in His image.....Read More

Deception-of-the- Media

DECEPTION OF THE MEDIA is being unleashed to dwarf acceptance of truth; to enhance a desired slant disguised as truth.  The media can make a person appear as a saint.....Read More


DELIVERANCE FROM UNGODLY INFLUENCE is a must in the times in which we live due to the flow of ungodliness increasing at an alarming rate.....Read More


ELEVATING EVIL AS GOOD is a trait that is as the pre-Flood days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Babylon the hold of every foul spirit. We are seeing advancement of what was proclaimed by the Prophet Isaiah; calling evil good and good evil.......Read More


FESTIVITIES IN HOUR OF DARKNESS (sinfulness) is prevalent as one focuses on what is gratifying to the soul rather than salvation of the soul as we experience an avalanche of ungodliness.....Read More


IMPORTANCE OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH is identified by ushering in policies that are characteristic of the church of the Laodicean's, as revealed by Apostle John and rebuked by Jesus.....Read More


KEEP THE TORCH LIT, and the reason why, is documented by the prophet Isaiah in regard to future Israel but could apply to any nation.....Read More


LACK OF GODLY INFLUENCE is a spinoff to the unrighteousness which is detrimental to any nation or people who previously lived in allegiance to Almighty God....Read More


LIVING IN A FALLEN WORLD can be troublesome for the believer; especially when one takes a stand for the Unadulterated (Pure) Word of God without compromise.....Read More


OUR CHRISTIAN HERITAGE IS THREATENED by forces of evil that seek to overpower, weakened, or eliminate its influence; with rulings and laws made to strip away the Christian heritage established a long time ago.....Read More


THE ENSLAVEMENT OF MANKIND is being exercised with an advancement towards the secular and dominating features of those desiring empowerment and global rule....Read More


THE RESTORING OF GODLINESS is a must to nations who have tasted the goodness of God but allowed the unfruitful works of ungodliness to surface with acceptability rather than rejection....Read More


WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP ROLE has become more prevalent in these latter years; sometimes with an aggressive, domineering, opinionated, and combative nature......Read More


  1. Latest Weekly Audio Podcast "Revival in the Word"

    Latest Weekly Audio Podcast "Revival in the Word" helps identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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  2. The Good Fight of Faith

    The good fight of faith is being severely tested in many lands that bring persecution and suffering to those who fail to comply with an agenda to conquer and control.

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  3. Timeless Messages

    Timeless messages that are seemingly endless in value. I have heard many messages ministered that I have never forgotten over the years and at times recalled to my mind..

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  4. Topics of Value

    Topics of value is a collection of God-inspired messages I did not want to delete simply because they entered into a different category.

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  5. God's Directions for Life

    God's Directions for Life website designed to help one identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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