Revival in the Word was on the air for over 27 years on WJJM Radio. I am thankful to the Lord for all the messages that have been laid upon my heart (still are) and for the divine anointing of God's Spirit! I thank WJJM for being a gracious host to Revival in the Word for so many years.

I desire to share some of my latest messages. I do this simply to be obedient to God's direction as to what He would have brought before His people. I am so grateful that God's Spirit has never failed to give me weekly messages; and continues to do so on the Latest Weekly Audio Podcast of "Revival in the Word." 


A DAY OF ACCOUNTABILITY, a day of reckoning, is revealed throughout God's Word; with many living as in the pre-Flood days of Noah, godless and unconcerned.....Read More


A SIGH OF RELIEF comes when there is a genuine relief from any wrong that has been suffered; where before there was seemingly no hope, but then a removal of anxiety, pain, or distress.....Read More


COME FORTH AS GOLD is a beckoning call towards a godly stance; even in the midst of suffering as Job of old, who boldly declared: I shall come forth as gold even in the midst of tremendous suffering....Read More


DAY OF THE LORD will be a Day of Recognition of Almighty God and the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.  Apostle John wrote: I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon on him does judge and make war (Revelation 19:11).....Read More


DESTINY OF THE SOUL is of extreme importance towards the final resting place of an individual after departure from the soul from earthly body....Read More 


FEAR OF THE LORD is becoming increasingly overlooked by an ungodly environment that is being formulated by what has been foretold in God's Word....Read More


GOD IN THE FOREFRONT is a necessity towards the health of any nation; it is unfortunate that some nations no longer hold such a status. There are nations formerly known as godly nations.....Read More


GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH is being severely tested in many lands bringing persecution and suffering to those who fail to comply with an agenda to conquer and control....Read More


GRAVITY OF THE SITUATION refers to the seriousness or grave importance of a particular situation emphasizing that the matter requires careful consideration.....Read More


IS SANCITY SURFACING AGAIN is a question that should gain one's attention as we see a new horizon of hope towards the future, whereas before such hope had diminished.....Read More


KEEP THE TORCH LIT, and the reason why, is documented by the prophet Isaiah in regard to future Israel but could apply to any nation.....Read More


LIGHT OF THE WORLD is the essential mission of the Christian but if that light is somehow diminished it hinders that mission.  Light of the world is critically needed in the darkness of human depravity.....Read More


NEW SET OF VALUES has embraced many a nation that once flourished under the instructive Word of God but due to advancement in the modern day values has withdrawn....Read More


SET THE CAPTIVE FREE is of upmost importance as we see seemingly insurmountable moments of stress, turmoil, violence, caused by the evilness of mankind.  There is a growth of immortality as in the pre-Flood days of Noah....Read More


SHALL REAP THE WHIRLWIND category opens the door for the fierceness of the wrath of God toward nations who have drifted away. There has been an influx of ungodliness, chaos, and destruction...Read More


THE FORCES OF OPPOSITION identifies a problem that is systematically stripping away a nation under God concept through acceptance and tolerance of ungodliness....Read More


THE SCALE OF JUSTICE, in some instances, is beginning to tilt away from the direction (evilness of mankind) formerly exprienced which would led to a prolific source of troubles....Read More


WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP ROLE has become more prevalent in these latter years; sometimes with an aggressive, domineering, opinionated, and combative nature......Read More


  1. God's Directions for Life

    God's Directions for Life website designed to help one identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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  2. A Sigh of Relief

    A sigh of relief comes when there is a genuine relief from any wrong that has been suffered; where before there seemingly was no hope.

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  3. Latest Weekly Audio Podcast

    Latest Weekly Audio Podcast helps identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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  4. Ills of Our Society

    The ills of our society does not promote good health for a nation founded on the principles of a godly nature.

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  5. Inventors of Evil Things

    Inventors of evil things are originators of wicked, immoral, and sinful agenda in direct opposition to God's Word that would not survive in a godly environment.

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