Noteworthy links is devoted to help identify other sites who are contributing towards the betterment of the soul.  They share a common goal in an effort to help make this a better world.  I hope you will take time to review them. 

Noteworthy Links Disclaimer

The appearance of external links on this World Wide Web site does not constitute endorsement by of these external Web sites or the information, products or services contained therein. 

God's Direction for Life does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find in the noteworthy links provided and they may not necessarily reflect the views of this site.  They are provided for information purposes to enhance the World Wide Web surfing experience of my site visitors.  You are welcome if the information and products therein are for you.

Click on Desired Noteworthy

90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN A true story concerning death of 90 minutes; then a return to life and what was encountered during that 90 minute period in heaven.

AMERICAN FAMILY ASSOCIATION Pro-family action site promotes traditional family values.  I receive E-mail updates, and news, from this Website daily.  It takes active participation in attempting to right the many wrongs in our society.  American Family News is a five-minute morning/afternoon daily audio podcast, latest top stories, videos, and much more.

BIBLE STUDY TOOLS  Largest free online bible website for verse search and in-depth studies.  I use this Website for information and have found it a valuable ministry tool.

CANOPY FILTERING SITE Canopy is the only solution that filters and monitors harmful and explicit content in real-time.

CHRISTIAN BOOK All kinds of Christian products are available at this Website including audio books, bibles, books, supplies, DVDs, eBooks, MP3 music downloads, and VBS supplies.

FOCUS ON THE FAMILY  Defends the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting Biblical truths worldwide.

GOT QUESTIONS  A Website where Bible questions are answered. With over 7,000 answers to frequently asked Bible questions published online, approximately 85% of the questions we are asked already have answers available to you instantly.  This Website is an easy way to search out any questions you may have.

OLIVER TREE MINISTRIES A end-time ministry whose purpose is to help people understand the times according to the Bible, contend for the faith in Jesus Christ, and help the Church stand against deception as watchmen on the wall in these last days (Heard on over 800 radio stations across America).

SOUTH AMERICAN CALL Take a missionary journey with Joe Mercer along the Amazon River in Peru where there are 35,000 villages that have no church and thousands have never heard the name of Jesus.  Joe Mercer's missionary outreach in Peru is very active.  A great Website that reveals the degree that is extended towards the saving of souls and providing needs of the people reached.

THE PUBLIC SQUARE Worldwide Radio Broadcast of the American Policy Round-table.  Hearing about real-life issues facing Americans.

THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS The Voice of the Martyrs exists to glorify God by serving the Persecuted Church.  I receive their monthly pamphlet that reveals how many, in various countries, are being persecuted; but despite this fact keep on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

WHEN REVIVAL TURNS TO REVOLUTION New Book Release in 2023 by Christian E. Anderson.  This book spells out present day reality along with hope for the future!  It was noted that the author uses 1 Chronicles 7:14 as a guide; laying out, with crystal clear clarity, how this passage mirrors the message of the Gospel.

WYATT ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM  Archaeological research exploring the Ark of the Covenant.  I met the author of this Website, and his son, and they have a interesting story to tell of their findings. 


  1. Latest Weekly Audio Podcast "Revival in the Word"

    Latest Weekly Audio Podcast "Revival in the Word" helps identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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  2. God's Directions for Life

    God's Directions for Life website designed to help one identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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  3. The Embracing of Immorality

    The embracing of immorality is changing the makeup of nations of a godly nature that has allowed immorality to surface and gain momentum.

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  4. The Revamping of Society

    The revamping of society is bringing about changes towards domination that will provide destructive measures; by casting aside godly influence.

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  5. March in Cadence

    March in cadence is to do so in uniform time being resolute in purpose and willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to accomplish one's goal.

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  6. Set the Captive Free

    Set the captive free is of upmost importance as we see seemingly insurmountable moments of stress, turmoil, violence, caused by the evilness of mankind.

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  7. Love of Pleasure

    Love of pleasure of an ungodly nature is an entrapment that has befallen many with Scripture revealing its characteristics.

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  8. Living in a Fallen World

    Living in a fallen world can be troublesome for the believer; especially when one takes a stand for righteousness.

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  9. Iniquity Shall Abound (Lawlessness)

    Iniquity shall abound is absence of moral or spiritual values; morally objectionable behavior, lack of righteousness, with an ungoverned appetite.

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  10. False Sense of Security

    False sense of security is a real issue as one sees man's feeble efforts to bring peace in dangerous times that eludes peace.

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  11. A Lost Generation

    A lost generation is warned against in God's Word; which involves losing benefit of godly instruction, of ceasing to exist, or unable to recover.

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  12. Unity of the Church

    Unity of the Church is important in a time that the forces of evil are gaining influence in the world with a migration towards ungodliness.

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